Wednesday, August 28, 2013


   I have seen at lot in Orlando,when it was not that great to come too just for Disney World back in the 1980s,I was stationed at the Naval Training Center.
             But like everything change comes to us as we move forward it use to be safe but like all cities it has its crime as well and a police department had a job top do and that was to keep residents  safe,because  the city has grown immensely.
      I went back home to my home state of New Jersey,and come back twenty years later, and bam what a change.
    They have this police Chief name Paul Rooney,who is suppose to be in charge of the police department that is suppose to protect life and property.
     But all I have seen since he took over the helm of police chief,is more of his police officers getting into trouble and either being sued or abusing the residents of this town.
       Most recently the deputy chief broke a regulation when he pulled over a couple reportely doing one hundred miles and hour.How he did this without a speed gun is beyond anyone he pepper sprayed a woman that was already hancuffed not once he did it twice not realizing that the woman's phone was recording all of this, he even bragged to the emergency personnel that arrived and told them let her suffer a little more before he let them treat her.
    This is  the type of low life polcie officers that are working in the Orlando police department,and what does Chief Rooney do he says all was justified.
    Throwing women on the ground who weighed if that a hundred pounds breaking her teeth,another incident was a Orlando cop pushing a female down the steps and saying she fell all of this caught on tape,and once again what does Chief Rooney, do he hides behind policy and procedure,all this has come to light since he took command of the department.
    Chief Rooney,is a spineless person who lets his officers do things he  knows damn well is wrong but this wimp does not have the balls to either fire,punish or do anything to reign in the few dirt bag cops who make the whole department look very bad.
    This department has been sued so many times I am surprise they have any more money to pay anyone,and now this scum of a deputy chief has been slapped with a federal law suit,and once again Chief Rooney,tells the media he followed regulations which is a bunch of crape.This chief should be investigated because from what I see he is incompetent and lets his officers get away with well not murder yet or have they.
  This man has not back bone and is a disgrace to the uniform, department and the position he holds and he is not the first chief to be incompetent in Orange County,we have seen quite a few resigning since 2012,under scandal,or  abuse of power,or lack of authority of the personnel he is suppose to be in charge of.
  As for this broken down deputy chief Oh! yeah he is a fine role model for the younger officers that come to that department everyone should have a loud mouth,ignorant,no morale's deputy chief in there department it really boost morale don't you think??
         Chief Rooney is a pathetic example of a commander in charge and I know what one looks like having served in the United States Army & Navy,and he is not one of them for certain and needs to go or be  investigated for lack of authority and discpline over his personnel because the proof is in the lawsuits the personnel and all the video tapes catching the officers do the wrong thing what else do we need and act from God?
    Something really serious is going to happen involving and OPD,officer than lets see who chief Rooney,will hide his skirt behind than because it will really be out in the open.It is just a matter of time mark my word it will happen because with no discipline,that rogue cop will surface if they are not out there already.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Think about this Michael Bloomberg,the mayor of New York,city is a billionaire and I support the fact that he founded "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" one hell of a cause I do support without question.
   But he is also a damn asshole and a arrogant mother fucker along with the kiss ass police commissioner Ray Kelly.
    Bloomberg,had the damn nerve to say that because of this 'Stop n Frisk" he and that assholes Ray Kelly,implemented is the reason that crime has dropped dramatically in the city.
   So what is the piss ass saying is that because they stop Blacks 52% of the time and Hispanics 31% of the time is the reason crime is low.
    Like what Caucasians,and other races in that city that I grew up next too most of my life living in New Jersey,during the 60s 80s 90s & 2000 t0 2006.
   And this is the asshole that President Obama,is considering  for appointment to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security,that  really pisses me off that he is even considering that dick weed for that post with all the other law enforcement personnel we have in this country who a re just as qualified as that asshole Ray Kelly,and being African American,that pisses me off that they feel based on this program they feel that the crime rate has dropped that is a fucking asshole if I ever saw one and I am glad his damn term is coming to and end.the fact that they changed the charter do this pussy could have a third term is enough to piss me off as well,and than Obama,wants to make this bone sucker maybe the next Secretary of Homeland Security,is enough for me to say I am glad his damn term is coming to and end as well.
    That federal judge did the right thing and Bloomberg will not win this on appeal take your billions of dollars,you asshole and ride off into the sunset when your term is over and take that prick Ray kelly,with you.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Guess who was in Orlando,Florida on Saturday August 10,2013,President Barack Obama and family!! Big damn deal
 he came to talk to the disabled veterans that where having there conventions here.
   I did not know until he was on the news that night telling all the disabled veterans that this country will not for sake the millions of disabled veterans who have applied for benefits,and are still waiting for  a response to there claims.
  Florida,being one of the highest states in the country with so many veterans waiting for a response top there benefits they either filed for, or and answer to the increase they applied for as well.
  I applied for and increase in 2008 yes!! 2008 and I even wrote this President four times,Vice President Biden once,Senator Bill Nelson two too three times and no I did not write that asshole Marco Rubio he is a true scum bag.
    And yet President Obama,sends me a damn form letter from a machine that signs his name and Biden did not respond at all,and this is a man who's son is in the Air National Guard,and this really pisses me off,for Florida,have to wait for every damn thing.The New Veterans Hospital was suppose to open October,well guess what that is not going to happen,and the are one hundred millions dollars over budget,and yet Obama,sneaks into Orlando,because veterans like myself would give him a piece of my mind why!! Simple I do not like anyone talking about our troops who are still dying in Afghanistan,and all who are disabled and have too wait so damn long to get what country promised up when we were drafted or volunteered to serve our country,and this is the damn thanks we get.
   I have been waiting since 2008,and some of my fellow veterans even longer,and Obama,has the damn nerve to say we will not forget out veterans and as I say "Talk Is Cheap" and Washington politicians are good at doing that especially those dirt bag Republicans.
    So if they will not forget us Veterans than how come it has taken so damn long for myself to get a rate increase since the health has not turn better for the good.
   Answer that one Obama,Oh!Snap,I forgot your on vacation like you really deserve one,you have a lot of questions to answer from us veterans to the NSA,of which I do not appreciate my emails ,or if your doing it my phone conversations being listened too with out my permission,violating my fourth amendment right you do remember them Obama right.
  In a sense I am sorry I voted for you the second time,because I am not happy with what you have been doing and messing with Social Security,really pisses me off because i have to live off that sorry crape that is sent o me monthly barely making it to the next month,and I am not lying this is pathetic what this damn government gives there people in this country to live off of and to bury love ones $255.00 are you kidding me you politicians in Washington,I hate your fucking guts,
   And I have a right I served in the United States Army& Navy,my late father in the U.S.Army,one son in the Navy,the other son in the U.S.Marine Corps,and a family of military personnel so I have a damn right to be angry and to speak out for my fellow veterans in the same position I am in,and this government ought to be a shame of its self how they treat us,I am sure Canada,United Kingdom.Japan,you get the idea do they treat there veterans like this damn country does I think not!!!!